
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tara 1, Titbits 0 ....yet

MMMMMMMM....just had tortillas and austrian cheese for my tea-titbits - delicious! It's a good job there are such highlights as i'm a but puzzled about what TOWFM is up to as he cuts it really fine to get home in time for my tea. He's also been going out with one of those dangly-things round his neck like the Boss wears and smearing sticky stuff on his hair.....well i have a red dangly thing which goes round my neck (at least, it's dangly until i see a damnation) but not tried the sticky stuff yet.....wonder if it's the humanj version of rolling in a lovely bit of fox-poo?
I really wish they'd make up their mind here; we went out to do something in the car this evening (for me, that something is getting in the back) and before i knew it they'd finished and wanted me to get out again. Well i wasn't having any of that so i did my pathetic-old-dog routine i always pull on Mum to get a lift out of the passatboot and into the volvoboot (works without fail!) but then managed to negotiate a bikker to tempt me out (as TOWFM is too feak and weeble to lift me out anyway) - i'm not as daft as i look, you know. Mind you, i did hear some comments about being agile enough to jump in one minute than too decrepit to jump out the next.
Remind me to tell you about the second to bottom step on the stairs next time....must go now as the table is being cleared so i need to be at my most appealing (and slobbery, says Blogassistant #2)


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