
Monday, September 03, 2007

Tara 0, Papparazzi 1

MMMMMMMM....i'm too sexy for my punj, too sexy for my punj....Oh, there you are! Just having a little hum to myself (you're always humming Tara). What a day! All sorts of things going on. The Boss must have been expecting a bit of bother getting to the holiday home as he had to put his combat gear on and he was so well-camouflaged i kept losing him on the grass. Any way, we gt here without much trouble and i was so relieved i had an extra shouty-greeting-party for all, puppy in mouth the lot! Then when the Boss had gone i discovered the stock of plashtic bottles and made a huge amount of noise scrunching them.

Went for a stroll round the garden this afternoon - very slowly as the one-who-has-a-big-grey-plastic-thing-on-her-foot (NOT a sock!) doesn't seem to get much speed up with those snazzy purple sticks; i've tried to tell her that What Stick? recommends a more mainstream colour for better resale value, and that it's performance not looks that matters but she doesn't listen to me. Just like nobobby listens to me when i tell them i'm hungry....mind you there are some nice hawthorn berries on the tree just at doj level and i can usually manage a sneak a mouthful of those if i check no-one's looking......

I'm just going to make myself scarce for a few minutes as TOWFM has just caused an accident (wine all over the floor!) and i KNOW i'll get shouted at if i move anywhere remotely in the direction of the accident. Think i'll take TOWFM out with me for a bark at the cows as he could probably do with making himself scarce too.


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