
Friday, June 29, 2007

Tara 1, Paparazzi 0

Managed to shake off the paparazzi as I think i'm getting a bit over-exposed. It's really flake-out time but i must just blog before i position myself on the rug for the evening as it's been quite an interesting day today - a bit strange really because i'm usually gone by now, not here anymore but there. I do do hope Mum and Boss haven't forgotten me. Actually TOWFM ( bit late today, I had to drop soooooo many hints) has kindly stuck me a little sticker on my head so i don't forget that i'm only here on holiday (pretty long holiday this - been coming here now every week for about, oh this long).
Had a good walk this morning - took the-one-who-isn't-always-here-in-the-week across the field (having reminded her to bring my stick) and played that game where i let her throw a stick in the water for me, then i graciously fetch it back, as it seems to amuse her so much, then i drop it just out of reach in the shallows. That is always certain to get her attention though she does seem to say my name alot when i do, with 'oh' in front. Anyway, my mind is wandering...it was great fun today as she lost her welly in the mud and had to put her sock down on the wet ground as i tried to push past (serves her right - i've NEVER forgotten the indignity of that grey sock when i was so enjoyning scratching that itchy bit on my face). Then on the way back we met a THING which was called twiglet - think it was a dog but it might have been a misshapen stick which bounced a lot. TOWIAHITW said that we ought to whip it but i'm not sure why (no, Tara, I said it was a whippet).
They tell me we are off to the house with the SBD and the CAKE tomorrow. Something also about it being the birthday of the-one-who-has-a-smoking-stick-in-his-mouth (do you think he reads What Stick too? Maybe we could compared notes?) as apparently he's the same age as me (these humanjs apparently cram seven years into each dog year - what a waste, could be sleeping). They also tell me it's an early start tomorrow so i'm setting my brekker-alarm for REALLY early. Mum and the Boss think I get up too early anyway (bad habits learned at the holiday home, I think) but i'll show them i can get up even earlier.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tara 1, Toothpicks required

..........there are still some great sticks round here though they do tend to get stuck in one's teeth sometime making me look a bit ridiculous when I'm trying to be dignified in my old age. I hear Mum & the Boss are off to see some cows this weekend (something about 'bull') so i'm having a weekend mini-break in the country to see what they get up to when I'm not around and I hope there is an well-placed cake to eat at the place with the SBD.........

Tara 0, Greay Hairs 42,000,000

It's not all been plain-sailing you know (though Mum and the Boss plainly do a lot of sailing!) and I have been a bit worried about a few things (as you can see from the gray hair and the worried expression on my face). First of all they have recently told me I came from Safeway! That can't be right - it must be at least Waitrose if not Fortnum & Mason - so I'm having a bit of a class crisis, especially as I hear that Safeway is now the downmarket Morrisons. Actually, thinking about it they are both food shops so maybe I could return to my roots and live there now. Then, all the carpet has disappeared from the holiday home and I can't sneak about anymore plusI don't seem to be able to get a grip (there's always telling me to get a grip). But at least when I'm sick the-one-who-spends-his-time-sticking-small-square-things-on-the-wall only have to clean it off the curtains not too much off the floor. I'm worried about getting old too especially as they tell me that muppety thing is no longer at the House With The Cake - what am I going to chase when we go next week (don't worry Tara, the SBD is still there). There are still some enjoyments in life though.......

Tara 1, Domestication 0

....spotted this wild animal in the woods....oh, my goodness, it's me!

Tara 1, Feet on the floor 0

......a great time at Mum's party! It was all so exhausting I just crashed at the end........

Tara 1, Back seats 0

In the past few months I've had......

....a new kennel, with a superb headrest which means I don't even need to lift my head when I bark........

Tara 1 (actually, almost 11), Food supplements 2

I'm still here! We'll actually I'm not here, I'm there but I dictated this before the Boss came and collected me on Friday so I hope Assisitent and the Sub-Assisitant Dogblogger actually manage to get it posted. I've been dictating for the last few months (yes Tara, and not just about blogging!) but I don't seem to get anything through. But a well-timed word in Stuart's ear and he's forced them to put my thoughts down for posterity (well, you know what they say about tecahers with caravans!). Anyway, I'm now having to dictate rather than DIY (or is it DIM) as my shoulder is playing up a bit and I'm now having to have two additions to my tea - a white one which I try to avoid eating and a squirty one which I can't (I do with the-one-who-feeds-me would stop delaying procedings by filling the syringe then flicking it like some bad actor in a medical soap opera!).

I'd better fill you in on what's been going on these last few months...............