
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tara 1, Stick Lots (Yippee!)

Somthing still not quite right here but i just can't put my claw on it. Routine's the same as normal, get fed, get walked but something's missing, not sure what - maybe it will come to me when I'm less busy. Been fwimming twice today but got a bit annoyed when the-one-who-fed-me-outside-this-evening wouldn't let me go in again under the bridge on the way home; still, got my own back by walking so slowly (well i am an old dog) that i could hear the irritation. Bet they let me go in there tomorrow.
And STICKS!!!!!! I'd forgotten all about those but was soooooo pleased to find one on the field this morning that i just mucnhed it all up on the lawn when we got back.
We've had raw carrots as an entree to our evening meal - here's hoping that they include me in the main course which is in the green thing which they put food in and out of and which sometimes emits such lovely smells (just like me!) that i just HAVE to lie right in front of it.
Tea's ready - the call has gone out so i'm taking my place at the table...........

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tara 1, Blogsceptics 0

Well here i am again - in fact this is where i've been for most of the summer and jolly good it has been too. The extra food they provide for me in the field on walks is a special bonus - its like a buffet (i said buffet not woofet). Been much too busy to blog and deal with my public but now the nights are drawing in and Mum and the Boss are off galivanting again.....anyway during the summer i did try out (on my own) the chair in front of the the black box thingy from which my blog emerges... bit difficult getting up as the whole thing started spinning but i managed it in the end and was just getting comfy when the-one-who-isnt-here leapt round the corner and took a photo. Now dont believe anything you hear about guilty looks on certain faces, its all lies.
Had a good inspec of the garden when i arrived, just in case that cat was still up the tree (it wasn't), to see whether my favourite rolling patch on the lawn was still worth making a fool of myself on (it was) and whether big black and white cat things were still in the field next door (they were so I had a good bark to show them who's boss). Bit concerned when for all the day the only one Humanj who still appears to be living in my holiday home is the one-who-keeps-messing-with-his-new-mobile-phone ...things got a bit better when he fed me (really worried about that, seeing that the-one-who-usually-feeds-me was not here) and then the one-we-have-to-go-and-collect-in-the-car came back too. Wonder where the other one is.....
I've heard rumours that we are off to the lemon cake place on Friday - hope they've got some for me - as apparently i've been put on a list of things not to forget (must make sure food is on that list too although i'm sure the nice kitchenHumanj wouldn't see me starve (though i try to convence them all i'm always starving)...need to check out that room again too...