
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Click, sick and tick (and a bit of cat food)

Exciting week this week! And i've managed to fend off the trumpet threat but have been socked instead.
MONDAY: Doj-Drop-Monday this week not D0j-Drop-Tuesday so that was confusing for a start. Pleased to see that the GM had finally cleaned the greyvolvo though so i stayed in it for an extra hour after we got to the holiday home. It's my stag for FOB Frontpath this week so i was in position early waiting for TOWFM to get home them for TOWTRV and managed to spot them both.
TUESDAY: Click-and-sick last night. TOWTRV told me in the morning she had heard me doing extra tap dancing in the middle of the night.....so why didn't she come down and let me out before i was sick? I really think it's not on having to put up with the domestossmell all morning after the GM has cleared it up. On patrol again at FOB Frontpath and gave each car which came past the evil-eye which stopped them all in their tracks (no it didn't, tara , it's the hedge and the four foot drop into the field which makes sure the cars stop - blog-screech-to-a-halt-so-as-not-to-runover-a-labrador#1)
WEDNESDAY: Fimming! Then i immediately got banned from further fimming as i was scratching me ear (we believe you tara, thousands wouldn't) when i accidentally took a big gouge out of my cheeky-bit and so it was the return of The Sock for the night shift. Actually this one isn't half as embarrassing as it's a very fetching green and goes well with the parcel tape which keeps it on. Only problem is there's a floppy bit on the end which can be a bit of a problem when i stand on it and then can't move off.
THURSDAY: Sock all day, today, even on patrol and barking at the cows and chasing cats (got a Healthy Heart for the last)
FRIDAY: Sock all day so scratching severely curtailed but they tell me 'it's drying up', so i assume they mean the sock - how did they know i weed on it anyway? Played a very strange game where TOWFM slaps the floor, then the couch and i pant whilst the chickens are clucking in the background.

Then i did a circuit (had to follow the GM with a basket who was also in the holding pattern waiting to land) and settled down on the couch for the deevedee. Note the sock if you will.

SATURDAY: Went on a trip in theredvolvo to the house with the cake, which seems to have moved a lot nearer, or maybe we were travelling at warp-factor-9-mister-sooloo. Anyway i soon found my way around, ate all the cat food before the TOWFMG'MA could pick it up, did a big poo on the front lawn and a wee on the back lawn and then settled down in the middle of the hall for a snooze. Very exciting indeed. And my Tick said he was absolutely gutted not to come with us.....well, actually, he was gutted because i shook him too hard and all the white stuff started to come out of his stitches. Ah well, at least that's now two of us with mega grey bits.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


We are getting very interested in fizz-sicks at the moment (not that my sick is ever fizzy, of course) what with the grey cloud heading this way, TOWFM revising in the hammock and the realisation that i am living proof of the first law of thermodynamics (see, i'm not as thick as i look) - the change in the amount of energy i have is directly proportionate to how much food (or mud off the patio, or grass or hedgehogpoo) i can manage to eat (not enough!) less the amount of work i do (big fat zero there then tara, blogbriancox#1). And there's no truth in the rumour that i'm suffering from entropy - my legs are working just fine.
Anyway, less of that ....i've been moving very fast around the garden in circles this week trying to prove my theory that there is a Tara14 element by smashing into things and hoping it appears - i know there must be one as there's a Tara13 with a half life of 160 and i've observed plenty of dark matter on the grass (most of which you deposited there - blogshitshoveller #1).
I have of course had to be very careful of the ashcloud as i don't want to get it solidifying in my airintakes and and turning me into a supernova.
No sign of the titbits drying up at the holiday home yet - though they do seem to have got a bit healthier - and at least TOWTRV doesn't make my go to aerobics with her.........

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I've been incognito (wherever that is) for the last couple of weeks so haven't been able to blog. I've been on operations, staking out FOB Frontpath at all times of the day and nights and even in the rain watching out for.....well, anything that's going on. I've also been honing my i-can-spot-a-fleecy-coat-at- four-hundred-yards skills - oh, alright, four feet then - so that i can get up and stretch ready for a W (only trouble is Tara, you even do it at 11:30 at night! - blogsmelleradicator #1). And then they caught me out and got wellies on without the need far a fleecy and before i knew it we were off patrolling along the river. TOWFM and i then went on operations under the bridge where i can get in (scape attempt #2usually) and i volunteered to fim all the way under the bridge whilst TOWFM volunteered to do the shouting and thigh-slapping and we soon sorted out whatever it was we were supposed to be doing under there. Makes a change from swimming round in circles i suppose. Actually, that was rather a good day as we had sushi for lunch then two sorts of yoghurt for pudding and even a bit of jelly and custard - no wonder i couldn't get out of my bed the next morning.