
Thursday, July 10, 2008

LabraBins & Punjal Imaging

Obviously gordon’s been listening to me and promoting the new LabraBin©. The no mess (or is that ‘low residue’ as its says on my chicken’n’brownrice skip) way to reduce the yookay’s rising food prices (actually I never see them go higher than the floor with the bedrooms on it) - the NEW IMPROVED LabraBin©. Black, with the stylish moondust-metallic (that’s grey, isn’t it – blogassistant #2) accents which distinguish it from inferior products (such as the one’s with the lids that are impossible to open – believe me, I’ve tried!), the NEW IMPROVED LabraBin© is a veritable Tardis of the food-bin world. With special features such as voice-activated automatic emptying (‘owchoogo’), the unique StumpyLeg© mobility system keeps the top of the bin as far below the ozone layer as possible whilst maximising the potential for a new improved LabraBin© in every room of the house without having to pay for more than one (for goodness sake Tara, stop following me around – blogassistant#1). Available now only by male-order from Pedder Products, POO Box 12, Backofanaudi, Yookay (can be sent flat-packed for self assembly).
Since I appear to be going a bit def (i’m blaming it on the gunk and the fact that I never get enough to eat) I’ve been honing my punjal-imagaing capabilities, and can seek out the smallest bit of food, potential food, food that turns out not to be food after all, even in the darkest of places (eat your heart out police helicopters!) and it’s quite effective you know.
Yippee! Off home today – wonder if i’ll get a ride in the newaudi and a chance to get some doghair into some of those new gadgets……..


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