
Saturday, January 19, 2008

I know there's a plashtik bottle here somewhere....

...TOWFM threw it roughly in this direction but it must have sunk as I can't see it anywhere and if i use my sniff-sensors i just suck loads of water up.......and anyway i;m getting just a bit near that bit where i circled yesterday......

Friday, January 18, 2008


.....and something interesting did happen across the fields this week...i just knew standing around for hours under the willow tree would prove fruitful in the end! The big plashy puddle/lake has appeared again and i've worn myself out taking TOWFM for a play in it. Only problem is these humanjs aren't as quick through the water as us dijs so it takes him ages to catch up........mind you, gives me time for a good chomp of my stick. Actually, i was so excited when i spotted the puddlake that i had to do a quick circle and you-know-what in the water (made sure i avoided that bit the next time in) to lose a bit of ballast and decrease the drag factor.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Time just flies.......

I know i'm getting on a bit but i just don't know where the time goes at the moment. Take the last week and weekend for example - i got in the car to go home on Friday and the next thing I know i'm back at the holiday home (had to do my start of week inspec in the garden....and it was very dark and rainy) then the next thing i know i'm back in the car and being dojdropped at the usual place. I can't remember anything of the days in between....Oh, they've just told me that i haven't missed a full week. Apparently, the doj drop mission had to be aborted and rescheduled for the next morning because Mum and the Boss got stuck on a train (what's a train, can you eat it?). Think i'll swap to the pony express in future, at least they always get through. Never mind, at least i'll get a chance to get doghairs all over the Boss's nice new sweater......
For the real week I've been here (as against the amnesiac week) i've been trying my best to pretend that dojs hibernate - keeping a low profile and then only going out when really necessary or when someone mentions the w-word. Have found a nice spot under the willow tree though - just right for standing for hours (yes, Tara, and it feels like hours - blogassistant #2) staring out across the brook and the fields - i' m absolutely convinced there will be something interesting there one day.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

You can keep your skiing, i've been......

......having fun at the house with the cake and the SBD. Actually the SBD is getting quite friendly and i thought i say it trying to play with my tail before pouncing on it and galloping off down the hall........i say 'thought' i saw it because if i had actually seen it, i wouldn't have let it happen of course. Got lots of fuss, mince-pies and went out for a walk with the pendle (but got the hump when she got all the attention - blogassistant #1) then treated them to my fixed-stare-ventriloquist-act because they were eating and i wasn't.
........getting worried when the only remaining bit of carpet on the landing was taken up! There's just some crackly underlay now but it's better than nothing i suppose......though i think they've just turned the big heater off!
.......colonising a VERY comfy kipping place aka TOWFM's chair. Did it stealthily at first and dropped BIG hints that i wanted to get on then the next day just hopped on and merged in with the other wild life on there.
........killing towels, plashtic bottles and doing singalongasqeakyball at the most inconvenient moments - well, if they will but that thing they wheel out and stare at (do they have to give it the evil eye for sooooo long?) just in my place on the rug in front of the fire what do they expect?
........dropping big hints when it's near my time for a doubleyou. Did a variation on the catch-their-eye-stretch-and-expel-air ....went into the scullery and picked up my collar and brought it back through to where they were. Think they got the message so i must try that again.
.......getting confused as the little things that keep dropping off the table taste more like cardboard than food so i'm ignoring them now (no wonder we can't find all the pieces in the jigsaw, Tara!)
......plotting what sort of OTT welcome i'm going to give Mum and the Boss when I see them at the end of the week.