
Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Great Escape

What would Christmas Day be without the Great Escape? Actually this is my fourth attempt this week and so i'm now back in the cooler. I thought i'd made it on tuesday when i got as far as numbereleven and got brought back when someone said good luck to me and i answered back in the wrong language! I had managed to get onto the decking at the back though but it was a bit slippy and i got found out and brought back by the one in the TOWFM-uniform. After that the GM has barricaded off the exit from the patio but i've been patrolling the perimeter and found a way out - unfortunately the-one-who-fills-up-the-birdfood spotted me as she was washing up (no tara, i was watching the GM wash up - blogsupervisor #1) and I was hauled back in and put in the cooler again - but at least there was no motorbikes or barbed wire.
I lulled them into a false sense of security by joining in the present opening..........

.............then we went for a long stick-chasing walk and had beer and some crisps at the pub. And just as we came in and TOWFUTBF went inside and TOWFM took his eyes off me for just second and i menaged to get all the way to number11 again....but the alarm had gone up and i was captured and spent lunch in the cooler - actually it's quite comfy cooler when i think about it and looks a lot like my dotage........................

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Zer iss no escape!

I'll have to brush up on my escape techniques - i thought it was every labradoj's duty to escape but the-one-who-stops-me-swimming-in-icy-water got the better of me today. I did a few feints but waited until the bridge to make a dash for the brook - only to realise that the reason TOWSMSIIW was walking very close with her hands outstretched was to grab me before i put on my burst of speed. Drat - have to think of another ruse next time. Anyway, at least i was allowed to walk the whole way home through the village without a lead on (that's because you can't move quick enough to run off tara - blogcolditzguard #1). And i got two bikkers when i got in and then lamb, roast potatoes, cabbage and gravy for my lunch.
I've just overheard TOWSMIIW tell the GM that TOWFM (who he?) had a labrador to do tonight......oh, i see, it's a lab report. Just as well really as i was wondering how i was going to get up to coventry in time.