
Sunday, October 31, 2010

World record high jumping

I wasn't trying to escape, honestly! I just seemed to find myself at the end of the drive heading up the road. How was i to know that it was time to go home and that all my stuff was in thevolvo and waiting to go - it wasn't until the GM came round the side of the house with a bikker (and we can see the exact moment when that happened, tara - blogbootpatter#1) that i thought i'd better get a move on and leap athletically all the way into the back of thevolvo. Anyway, i've found another good ruse this week to get into the bedroom and watch TOWTBigRV eat her breakfast - when i come upstairs in the morning (after the GM has give me my breakfast and i've been out for 10 seconds for a wee), if i lie against the airing cupboard door and do intermittent high-pitched barks it make a very nice loud rattling noise and gets me let in sooner. Who says they can't teach an old doj new tricks

Thursday, October 14, 2010


They keep telling me that he's not here but i'm not sure who they are talking about. I know when i go upstairs in the morning and turn right there's always someone in there as i can hear the chink of cutlery on china (thought you liked to pretend you were deaf tara - blogbreakfastinbed #2) and so have to bark to make sure that i get let in to scavenge anything that might be going. I'm playing it quite cannily you know - just making it seem i'm not sure about coming in (you know, that crunkly-eared, pursed-lips, waggy-bottom look with sound effects) then head swiftly for the side of the bed where TOWTBigRV is scoffing her brekker. It paid off today as a speciakflake escaped and i pounced on it straight away.
Been keeping a low profile today too as some of Pte Sector's mates have been shelling me - not managed to hit me yet but they make lots of noise and it's a bit frikling.
I'm sure there used to be someone else here other than the GM (who's now on T, M and W duty) but unless he reappears soon i will have forgotten him altogether. Who will i have forgotten altogether? No idea, i've forgotten!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Wolpertingers.......but still no TOWFM

He's still not back...i'm wondering if he's gone to indiot again? I've been out on path stag all day (so you're not admitting to being sent out as you came back in from your walk covered in cowpoo then tara - blogemptynester #1) but have only spotted TOWTBigRV coming home (twice). I've even been for a look up the road a few minutes ago under cover of darkness but the GM has just brought me back in and it looks like i'm now in the nager-house (but there were a few dog-raspberries in my bowl to compensate). So it's just me and my wolpertinger and no need to go upstairs in the morning unless i don't get me second brekka promptly enough.
The GM and TOWTBigRV have brought back greetings from thependle this weekend - apparently she catches me up in age this month and is also a very experienced member of the get-your-back-legs-under-control-or-you'll-fall-over-and lick-your-bed-just-to-annoy-them club. But she hasn't got a wolpertinger and i'm not sending her mine!