
Monday, April 17, 2006

Tara 1, Clean car 0

Well, here i am again, back with the ones-with-the-swimming-pool and the clean car (never mind, managed to drop a few dog hairs in the boot as a special gift). Usual routine after Mum dropped me off (obviously not swapped the Boss for a passat as he was still there). That passat-thing is actually really a volvo in disguise but the boot's got carpet in so it's more like the volvo i come home in with the one-who-feeds-me. Not bad at all really.
Realised that we were going somewhere familiar (i'm a dab hand at recognising the pattern of speed and gear changes and the whiff of cowpoo from the farm gives the location away) so slipped effortlessly into my usual holiday-homecoming (i'm sooooooooooo well rehearsed, i should be on the stage - move over Chuffer Dandridge!) - out, stretch, shake, quick wee on the exact same spot on the front lawn, in through the door, pretend i've been there all the while and they have just come in (no slipper-dance this evening, i don't like to be toooooooooooo predictable) drink of water, drip all over the one-who-wipes-it-up-again then a furtive tour of the waste-paper bins to see what's interesting. Not been out yet, but have mithered to have a look in the conservatory as you never know what you might see in there (hopefully not a homer).
Actually i'm quite tired after my weekend away with those ever-so-nice-people-with-the caravan (and Mum and the Boss, of course - it does them such a lot of good to get out and i do like to see them having fun).
Sleepy time now - i've heard rumours that the one-who-doesn't-like-to-go-in-the-bath-too-often is being cleaned so i'd better go and see what involvement i can have to get in the way - failing that i'll wait until he's been behind a closed door for two minutes then bark to interrupt things and get let in.


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