
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Tara 1, Dog-sitters 0 (early kick off)

Ooh i feel much better today! Woke up bright and early and decided that the rest of them needed to wake up bright and early too - well, really just the one-who-feeds-me but it's always good to see them all at once. Strange really, the one-who-feeds-me went back to that platform thing he sleeps in (why he can't have a quilt on the floor like me i don't know - much easier to scrorp when needed) so i went back downstairs to lie in the living room and found the doors closed - well, couldn't have that so i propped myself up against the door and barked until the one-who-threatened-never-to-feed-me-again came down and let me in.
Good walk and a swim then my usual kip when they went out in that yellow thing - i even carved my initials in the drive "TP" just to impress them (and they were very impressed). Out in the garden again all afternoon playing with sticks and tennis-balls (still not worked out how to get two in my mouth at the same time - every time i open my mouth to pick another up the first drops out and the ones-who-laugh-at-me-quite-often laugh again. Had a really good roll on the grass playing with my new ball (a world cup special black and white football) but felt a it embarrassed when i realised they were watching me so i sat up and gave them the evil-eye for about ten minutes. Got a bit fed up later on so stood by the conservatory door and barked (what doesn't 'monotonously' mean, anyway?) until they let me in, then got bored again so stood inside and barked until they let me out. The one-who-feeds-me (well he didn't today, too busy demolishing the hedge, and in the gap he made i spied some rather tasty-looking bird food on next door's lawn) has very kindly made a huge pile of sticks and twigs bigger than he is so i've had great fun rootling around for a new stick (though it still not my favourite, that's the one which makes me look like a walrus with one tusk).
They tell me i'm going home tomorrow - hope the lemon-cake-and-muppet-people arrive before i go. See you next week.


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