
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tara 1, Lemon cake 0 (because i ate it all!)

I was bit poorly again yesterday so too sick to blog - I'm better now but the one-who-feeds-me has now become the one-who-clears-up-the-sick, but at least there's still no sign of the dreaded sock. Went on my usual walk this morning - I do wish the humans would keep up with me as i keep having to check that they aren't getting up to mischief behind me (you never know what they will pick up and eat or when they fancy a quick dip in the brook). Funny thought occurred to me today - why don't they come in for a swim with me? I do my best to tempt them in by making sure i drop my stick in the shallow water then shake just as they bend over to pick it up, but no takers as yet. I even tried to coax them in, in the garden this afternoon, swimming round in circles but all i got was some very loud shouts and arm waving.
For the rest of the day i spent most of it sitting on the patio - nice and sunny and also lovely and dusty to spreda around inside - and amused the one-who-feeds-me by blowing an extra big bubble out of the side of my mouth (didn't know I had that skill - must put it on my CV) which made them all (even the one-who-lies-on-the-floor-with-his-head-under-the bath - he won't find scraps in there as i've checked already) flop about and make very odd spluttery noises (easily amused).
They tell me that the grey-ones-who-made-a-big-fuss-of-me-when-we-visited are coming on Friday (what's Friday?). I seem to remember having super fun there - there was a 'muppet' (looked very much like a cat to me) behind a door (can't resist nudging open shut doors) so i did a couple of economy barks then backed off just in case it was a cat. And the grey-one-who-controls-the-food very kindly left a whole lemon cake on a shelf just below head head so to do her a favour i ate it up a quick as i could. I wonder if she's bringing the muppet and the cake on Friday?


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